Passionate about sharing knowledge and meeting new people

About Me

My name is Esad Ramović and I am a freelance web developer from Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina.

I have over 20 years of experience in web development and have worked with clients of all sizes, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, across various industries. I have a broad range of skills and expertise in administering and developing websites.

I can help you with:

Web Development

As a freelancer, I work with individuals, startups, companies, and web agencies to create a blueprint for the digital business.

Cold Email Marketing

Effective marketing emails convert prospects into customers and can turn one-time buyers into loyal, raving fans.

Web Security

Also known as “Cybersecurity” involves protecting websites or web applications by detecting, preventing, and responding to attacks.

I'm TOP RATED freelancer on Upwork

Some Fun Facts

100 %
Job Success score
95 %
Clients would recommend me
90 %
Long-term clients
< 24
Hours response time

Upwork is the world’s largest freelancing website trusted by 5M+ businesses. You can find me there as Esad R.


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